Celebrating 50 Years of Service

COVID-19 Hours: Weekdays 8am - 5:45pm

Ages accepted: 6 months - 4 years old

Daily Routine

The Center follows the High Scope Daily Routine. The Daily routine varies based on the classroom and the Children’s developmental needs. For more information on High Scope, Please go to www.highscope.org


Bellevue Day Care Center, Inc. uses the High/Scope Educational Approach in our program. Teachers and children are active partners in the learning process. This balanced approach — also called "intentional teaching" — is critical to the effectiveness of our program. It includes techniques for encouraging learning in specific content areas as well as strategies for helping children plan, do, resolve conflict, and recall their experiences. The space and materials are carefully arranged to promote active learning. The classrooms are divided into interest areas organized around specific kinds of play; for example, block area, house area, small toy area, book area, sand-and-water area, and art area.

The curriculum is built around a foundation of active learning. Teacher and child-initiated learning activities are grouped into five main content areas: Approaches to Learning; Language, Literacy, & Communication; Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development, Health, and Well Being; and Arts and Sciences. Within these areas are 58 Key Developmental Indicators (formerly called "Key Experiences"), which are observable early childhood milestones that guide teachers as they plan learning experiences and interact with children.

The staff and children come from all parts of the world. Diverse cultures and different languages coexist in one world as children interact, work, and learn with other children and adults.

Plan-Do-Review Sequence — (Planning Time, Work Time, Recall Time)

This three-part sequence is unique to the HighScope Curriculum. It includes a 10- to 15-minute period during which children plan what they want to do during work time (the area to visit, materials to use, and friends to play with); a 45- to 60-minute work time for children to carry out their plans (or shift to new activities that interest them); and another 10- to 15-minute period for reviewing and recalling with an adult and other children what they've done and learned.

Planning time (10–15 minutes)
Work time (45–60 minutes; includes cleanup time at the end)
Recall time (10–15 minutes)
Small-group time (15–20 minutes)
Large-group time (10–15 minutes)
Outside time (30–40 minutes)
Transition times (including arrival and departure) (variable)
Eating and rest times (variable / if applicable)
Adult team planning time (20–40 minutes)